Thursday, September 27, 2012

September Book Blog 4 Everlost/Everwild- Neal Shusterman

     I finished the book "Everlost" last Friday and got the second book in the Skinjacker trilogy, "Everwild," that same day.  After I finished "Everlost" I was left speechless, and just HAD to know what happened next?  I also had so many questions left, so the only thing I could do was to get "Everwild."  I finished "Everwild" yesterday evening and I'm already starting the third book in the trilogy, "Everfound." 
     I see a lot of similarities between Neal Shusterman's Skinjacker trilogy and his UnWind trilogy.  As I said in my post before this one, there are special definitions that need to be known for both trilogies. 
So far I have only read the first two books in both trilogies, and in both second books there's a list of the definitions that you need to know.  Also in each second book in each trilogy he always adds characters that are not only new, and loved by readers, but characters that can critically change the story. 
     In other words the story is no longer predictable.  In the first book I have my theories, my predictions.  I think "Oh, that's defiantly going to happen because this happened."  Though by the time I start the second book I think to myself, "Uhhh, because of this new character that's never going to happen now..." and I can't really predict anything by that time because from there, everything changes.  That's exactly what keeps me attached to his books because they are...unpredictable.  And that's what keeps my attention.  I'm glued to the book. 

1 comment:

  1. Gaby-
    I can't wait to read the rest of the Unwind series. You need to explain your thoughts a little more when you are writing. For example, you say there are similarities in the books- what are they? Or give an example of when your prediction was wrong. I look forward to hearing more about your reading!
    Mrs. Newell
