Monday, September 10, 2012

Practice Post

     Right now, I'm reading an amazing book by Neal Shusterman called, "UnWholly."  This year in  February, I read the first book called "UnWind."  I read it, and fell in love with it!  "It wasn't originally suppoed to be made into a trilogy," qouted Shusterman, but soon on, it said that Shusterman's second book in the trilogy of "UnWind" was going to come out on August 28, 2012.  I couldn't wait to get my hands on "UnWholly!" 
     The UnWind trilogy takes place in a futuristic society.  A long time ago a war, called the Heartland War, was fought.  There were two sides.  The pro-life and the pro-choice; the pro-life side fought for abortions to be stopped, while the pro-choice side fought for abortions to be kept legall.  Finally both sides came to an agreement.  If a mother didn't want a baby, they still have to give birth to the baby, then they are allowed to put the baby on a person's doorstep, and by law the person who recieved the baby has to take he or she in and raise them as their own child.  This process is called storking.  But, that was not the only law made.  Through the ages thirteen to eighteen, you are allowed to unwind your child.  This happens when a parent no longer can stand their child, they are allowed to send their child to a harvesting camp, to have them unwound.

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