Monday, November 26, 2012

November book blog 1- Insurgent by Veronica Roth


Insurgent is the second book in the "Divergent" trilogy. The "Divergent" trilogy is set in futuristic Chicago, where everyone is sorted into one of five factions. Abnegation, the selfless; Candor, the honest; Amity, the peaceful; Erudite, the intelligent; and Dauntless, the brave. Each of these factions has their own ways of living, and qualities.


What they blamed for a warring world: Selfish people.

Values: Selflessness

Appearance: Plain gray clothes; nothing attractive. Girls' hair is always up.

What they are taught: No one should want for themselves, but only for others. They should never, ever do anything to please or help themselves.

Notes: Simple things such as wearing a hair bow are considered selfish. Self defense is prohibited since it's considered selfish. The Abnegation provides food and clothing for the factionless. (Fractionless reference below in *Extras*.)


What they blamed for a warring world: Duplicity

Values: Complete and utter honesty

Appearance: The Candor sees the truth as black and white, so they dress in white and black. Something like a buttoned up white shirt and black slacks, would be an everyday outfit.

What they are taught: The Candor are taught how to see when somebody is lying. Body language, ect. (It's practically impossible to lie to a Candor; they can always tell if you're lying.) They are taught to be honest about everything, no matter what situation. For example, they're honest about what they think about you, whether negative or positive.

Notes: The Candor are seen as smart-mouths who are annoying, by other factions, though many people learn to deal with the Candor's honesty. They realize that they can't hold anything against them, since that is what they were taught.


What they blamed for a warring world: No peace among people.
Values: The Amity value peace and prosperity.
Appearance: The Amity wears bright colors, mainly red and yellow.
What they are taught: The Amity is taught how to be peaceful and kind. They are told that to solve a situation, they must do it peacefully not violently.
Notes: There is no leader of Amity. They make decisions for their faction by what the majority of the population agrees with. Violence is illegal; they'd rather walk into war with no weapons and try to make people start fighting with their own words, than to use violence.

What they blamed for a warring world: Ignorance; stupidity

Values: Intelligence
Appearance: People of Erudite wear blue.
What they are taught: These people are taught as much as can be crammed in their minds. They learn to thirst for knowledge.
Notes: Erudite provide people who become doctors and scientists. They have a strong rivalry with Abnegation.

What they blamed for a warring world: Cowardice
Values: Intrepid behavior
Appearance: The Dauntless wear black and have tattoos and piercings.
What they are taught: They are taught to be daring, risk takers, but also to use common sense. Jumping off a cliff is dumb, not brave.
Notes: The Dauntless manifesto has changed over the years with the new leader, Eric. With Eric, he considers suicide brave, and initiation has become very brutal.

FACTIONLESS- The factionless belong to no faction. This is usually because they have failed initiation upon entering their chosen factions at sixteen.

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