Saturday, March 9, 2013

Mockingbird February Book Blog 2

School Shootings and Gun Violence

There have been many school shootings since 2000.  The most recent one has been the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.  School shootings affect people who experienced them, and the people close to the victims greatly, just like Caitlin and her dad, Harry.  “I thought we were all gonna die,” says Kaitlin Roig, a teacher at Sandy Hook elementary, in an interview, fighting back tears.  Many people like her were scarred, and the fear and pain they experienced will never leave them.  One student even said in an interview that she was scared to go to school now.  It’s horrible to think that somebody can have the heart to kill innocent students; it’s absolutely sick. 

Gun violence is now the center of attention.  Should we stay true to our constitution and keep the right to bear arms, or should we take away that right to reduce the loss of lives each year. 

Guns are there to protect us, some people say.  Others say they’re evil.  Guns can be used for self-defense so, there’s a plus.  But then again guns can be used to inflict pain and death.  Really, we shouldn’t go against our constitution and we shouldn’t allow for so many lives to be lost due to gun violence.  People who are for guns are saying they need guns to feel safe.  The National Rifle Association is fighting to keep guns.  But is there really a need to keep guns that are specialized to go through police vests? 

Is there a way to keep guns so that we won’t go against our constitution and reduce gun violence at the same time?  Perhaps there is, but to me, the best way to save people is to completely eradicate guns. 


abc news on TV

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