Monday, January 7, 2013

Would a World Without Media Influence be Safer?

Media influence. They say that’s what to blame for violence and people on drugs and booze. They say that a world without media influence would be safer. Take a second and think about; really think about. No billboards driving down the road. No more funny commercials. Reality T.V. shows, certain movies, and music would be eliminated because of media influence inserted into it. We wouldn’t be informed about current events around the world. No more People or Seventeen magazines. No more Access Hollywood or Entertainment Tonight. How would this world be necessarily safer? Life in this world would just be plain, arduous, and boring.

The gunman of the “Batman” massacre wasn’t right in the head. He just, “wanted to kill people,” states The New York Times. He simply used “The Dark Knight Rises” as a pawn. The movie had the right setting for something like this to happen; it was dark, full of death caused by evil people. But still, the movie didn’t make him want to kill people, that was his own idea, it was all him. He had mental issues, an ally for his hunger for murder. Even without the movie’s existence he would have still done what he did. He could have simply gone to another public place. We can’t blame media influence for this.  The movie showing was just his stage; he just chose that place to act.  He could have easily chosen another “stage.”

With media influence we get the current events around the world. The news keep us informed about wars, murders, presidents, government, everything. Most of the things that we hear are negative news, but the negative news help us to make changes, keep us safe. For example, the Sandy Hook shooting was known about around the nation the day it happened, and then people starting helping the families affected, cities started making their schools safer, and now the government and president is in the act of enforcing a new law to control gun violence. What if the news of this horrible massacre hadn’t got around? Nothing would have been done. Schools wouldn’t be safer; laws to keep us safe wouldn’t be in the process of being enforced. More tragedies similar would continue to happen. The murder rate would go up not down. Things would be worse. Is this making the world a better place?

We need ads.  We need to know what products are out there, and using our knowledge, see what things are best for us to buy.  Yes, everyone’s had that time where they bought a product that seemed SO AMAZING, but turned out to be a rip-off.  We learn through these mistakes, so that later, we can use our past experiences and knowledge to find out what we should buy to make life comfortable and sustainable.  Therefore, ads help people find things they need or want.  Some might say that ads are trying to pull us into buying things we don’t need like movies, music, or electronics.  But one finds them self through this entertainment.  They see who they are.  They find their style.  This is what we need, for people to find themselves through other ways besides being completely influenced by people around them.  They can find and be their own self, instead of what other people want them to be. 

Public service announcements are a part of media influence, and they help try to make our world a better, SAFER place.  For example there are the commercials where they show a victim or family member of a victim of texting and driving.  Those commercials are there to make people more cautious when driving.  There are also many other commercials like the one where celebrities are speaking out against gun violence or the one that warns people about whooping cough and how to keep their family safe.  Public service announcements like these try to make the world a better place.  By taking this piece of media influence away are we helping anything?

Media influence is beneficial, we need it. It’s NOT bad. It doesn’t cause horrible tragedies and behavior to occur. With media influence we can actually help ourselves-help our world!  People lose their innocence with media influence, yes, but innocence isn’t always good. It’s weakness.  So let me ask you again. What would a world without media influence be like? Would it be safer? No, it would be bland, boring, arduous, and possibly more dangerous. Do you really want to live in this world?

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