Thursday, December 27, 2012

December book blog 4-Feed

I hated and loved Feed.  The story was amazing and unpredictable.  Depressing and fun.  Weird, yet exciting.  Different, but in a good way.  From a dystopian book I would expect life-changing  rebellion, loss, long-lasting love, and a bad guy and good guy, always the good guy winning.

 In this novel I did find rebellion; Violet resisting the feed.  But her resisting the feed was not something that changed the world.  Violet and Titus did have fun messing around with the feed, though from the small act of rebellion, Violet died.  The feed couldn’t find a sort of “self-style” for Violet, so nobody would accept Violet to get her feed fixed.  Instead, she lay on her death bed, immobile, probably thinking of all the things she could have done, had she lived her whole life.

As far as loss goes, she’s the only person who died in this book.  AND SHE WAS A MAIN CHARACTER.  A main character should not die.  That just never happens.    

Long-lasting love?  Yeah, right!  Once Violet KNEW SHE WAS GOING TO DIE she shared memories, thoughts, and her bucket list to Titus.  What did Titus do?  Oh, well, that jerk-sorry Titus but that’s the best word I can use for you- complained about how long they were and then he throws the memories away, and doesn’t read all her messages.  And let’s not forget about him BREAKING UP WITH HER, then going out with Quendy.  The last words Violet says before she loses her ability to speak is “Tell Titus I’m sorry.”  The poor, dying girl was still in love him and he practically through her away before she dies.

In this novel there is no “super-hero” or “villain.”  I really don’t see the government as a “villain” because feeds are your choice to get.  They’re not forcing you to get one.  This is what I love about this book, no one is that perfect person and no one is that evil person.  It’s normal; we can relate to the characters, and certain events. 

 This book is perfect in an un-perfect way.

December book blog 3-Feed


I saw Violet as an interesting person.  Violet is a different kind of character from everyone else in this book.  All she wishes is to be “normal” like everybody else.   All of Titus’ friends see her as a strange character.  Most of Titus’ friends thought she was trying to show off with her vocabulary that was a higher level from others.  They thought she was strange that she thought about how society was drowning in modern advancements.  But the truth is, Violet’s thoughts were in the right place, because her world was falling apart when nobody else realized it.  Violet wanted to live life to the fullest and just be normal.  She saw Titus and his friends having fun on the moon and she thought about how much fun it would be to hang out around that crowd.  They seemed to have the most fun they could, and she wanted that.  After the incident and Titus and her started going out, she had fun; she enjoyed her time with Titus.  Then she starts dying because of the feed incident.  Her life is clock ticking away until her life ends so she hangs on to Titus for support and love.  She wanted to fit everything she wanted to do in her life into only the few weeks she had left.  She scared Titus a bit with her depressing tales about dying and with all the memories and notes she sent to him.  It was too much for Titus so he ended the relationship.   Violet died her heart crushed by the man she loved the most, but with a strong soul.

December book blog 2-Feed


The boy’s name is Titus.  He went to the moon with his friends “to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck. “  But then he saw her, drinking her juice.  She was beautiful.  The girl’s name was Violet.  She went to the nightclub with Titus and his friends.  There a man touches them and they all start to say We enter a time of calamity!  “We’re going to have to shut you off now.  We’re going to have to shut you off,” says one of the policemen that have come.  The world goes black.  They all awake in a hospital, with no feed.  Their feeds get repaired and Titus and Violet start to go out.  She was different; she read depressing stuff, she thought about the downfall of society, and her vocabulary was of a high level.  But all she wanted was to be normal like everyone and live life to the fullest.  She and Titus resist the feed and have fun doing it.  Titus learns that Violet is dying, that her feed didn’t get fully repaired since it was implanted at a later age.  Nobody will try to help her get better because no one will accept her to get help since her feed is so “scattered;” a result of resisting the feed.  When it gets really bad, she gets depressing to be around.  She sends Titus memories, messages, and a bucket list.  They go to the mountains and Titus backs off, because Violet wants to take the relationship far too early, like showing up at the hotel and calling themselves Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  They have a huge fight and break up.  Titus starts to go back out with his ex-girlfriend.  A few months later Titus finds out Violet is on her deathbed.  He goes to visit her and she’s completely immobilized.  Her dad says he blames everything on Titus.  Titus leaves and comes back another day.  He looks at Violet, holds her hand, and with tears streaming down his face he tells her the “story” of them.  He brings her hand to his lips, and “on a screen, her heart was barely beating.”

December Book Blog 1-Feed


The feed feeds people with entertainment and ads.  It’s a microchip placed in your brain.  The feed is your T.V., internet, dictionary, phone, everything!  The feed is full of ads, and they only provide you with ads that catch your attention.  When you walk into a store, advertisements flood into your mind.  They pull you in figuratively and physically in the advertisements.  For example, when Titus goes looking for a new car, they put him in an advertisement of him driving the car with violet to show him he really should get this particular car that it’ll be an amazing experience to have.  That he just HAS to get it!!!!  The feed knows you better than anyone because it reads you.  It can tell what your interests are and what product you’d like the best.  It’s like a stalker, it knows everything about you.  The feed has replaced so many things like even getting drunk!  Getting “drunk” in this society is going in malfunction or “mal.”  You even get side affects like when someone would get drunk.  The feed is EVERYTHING, the feed is IMPORTANT, the feed KNOWS you, the feed is DANGEROUS.  You don’t have the feed! You are the feed.”- Violet, pg 202.